3D Rendering: The Future of Home Design and Construction


March 04, 2024

Building a custom home is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging and stressful. One of the most difficult aspects of home building is choosing the right colors and finishes for your exterior and interior design. You want your home to reflect your personality, taste, and preferences, but you also want it to fit in with the surrounding environment and neighborhood. 

How can you make sure that your home looks exactly the way you want it to? How can you avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes and revisions? How can you experiment with different styles and themes without wasting materials and resources? The answer is 3D rendering.

That’s why we at houston3drenderings.com are here to help you. We can create realistic and stunning images of your home, both interior and exterior, based on your specifications and preferences. We can also help you with choosing the best materials, colors, and styles for your home, as well as designing your backyard and landscaping.

In this blog/article, we will share with you one of our recent projects, where we helped a homeowner from Michigan, Renjitha, design her client’s home with our 3D rendering services.

Renjitha’s Inspirational House 

Renjitha had a clear idea of what she wanted for her custom home. She wanted a spacious and elegant house with a modern style and a warm color scheme. She had already completed the framework of her house, but she was stuck with the exterior color and finishes. She had no clue how to select the right ones, and she only had a few reference images of a house that she liked online, David’s House which was inspired by the famous Waterfall house by the pioneer of organic architecture - Frank Loyd Wright.


Renjitha also had high expectations for her home. She wanted it to look as beautiful and sophisticated as David’s house, which had a unique and harmonious combination of colors and textures. She also wanted to have a cozy and inviting backyard, where she could relax and entertain her guests.

Renjitha contacted us and asked us to help her with her home design. She provided us with the framework of her house, the reference images of David’s house, and some ideas for her backyard. She also told us that she wanted to see the result before making any decisions, and that she was open to suggestions and revisions.

Choosing colors and finishes

We accepted the challenge and started working on Renjitha’s project. We used our 3D rendering software and skills to create realistic and detailed images of her home exterior by observing the provided site images and the technical CAD drawings and elevations. We followed her direction and used David’s house as a reference, but we also added our own touch and creativity to make her home unique and personalized.


We played around with different color schemes and finishes for her home, and then presented her with our ideas. We walked her through the advantages and disadvantages of each option, and offered our recommendations based on our expertise. We also took her vision for her backyard into account when designing it, and incorporated some extra features and elements that we thought would make it both beautiful and functional.

We sent her the rendered images and asked for her thoughts. She was really impressed and loved what we came up with, but she did have a few small changes and requests. We listened closely to her feedback and made the adjustments she requested. We went back and forth like this until she was absolutely thrilled with the final design.

Little tweaks to and fro for Cozy Vibes

These are some of the images that we created for Renjitha’s project, along with the revision comments that we received and applied.

This was our initial design for the exterior of Renjitha's home. We used a combination of stone, wood, and stucco to create a modern and elegant look. However, Renjitha had some feedback. She felt that the stone color was too bold and that the overall design used too much stone and wood on the walls. She envisioned a design with less stone and wood, and more stucco, to better match the color scheme of David's house. Additionally, she wanted the renders to showcase more of the home's third side and to minimize the visibility of the other side. Finally, she requested that all future renderings be shown in daylight.

Here's a fresh look at the exterior design of Renjitha's house! We toned down the stone and wood siding, opting for more stucco instead. The stone color got a makeover too, switching to a lighter, more consistent gray. To give you a better view, we expanded the view of the house to show more of the third side and less of the other. And to really make it pop, we rendered the image in bright, natural daylight.

We also chatted with Renjitha about the interesting wheel-shaped detail on the far wall. It turns out it's a decorative element, adding some visual flair and breaking up the wall space. Renjitha loved the changes, saying the house now looks more polished and balanced.

We went with a similar color palette for the outside of the house, using light gray, white, and wood tones. We also incorporated some black accents for a touch of contrast and drama. However, Renjitha wasn't feeling the black walls on the first floor. She thought they were too dark and heavy and didn't quite fit the warm and inviting vibe she was going for. She requested that we swap out the black walls for light gray stucco and use less stone and wood throughout the space.

We took her feedback to heart and made the changes she requested. We replaced the black walls on the first floor with light gray stucco and minimized the amount of stone and wood on the walls. We also switched out the garage door for a wood one to match the exterior aesthetic. We kept the black accents on the furniture and railings, as they added a touch of contrast and sophistication. Renjitha loved the final product, saying it felt brighter, more spacious, and flowed better with the outside of the house.

Renjitha's stunning home is a perfect blend of modern style and warm colors, reflecting both her vision and personality. It also draws inspiration from the design of David's house. The home achieves a harmonious balance between its architectural features and the surrounding nature, creating a striking yet pleasing contrast. The backyard is an outdoor living masterpiece, featuring various elements that combine relaxation and fun.

Renjitha loved the final renderings after one or two revision rounds, expressing her deep appreciation for our work. She commended us for exceeding her expectations and turning her dream home into reality. Notably, the backyard features a modern Zen Garden, along with palm trees and tropical fruit trees that enhance the natural beauty of the outdoor space.

We are proud and honored to have helped Renjitha with her 3D rendering project, and we are happy to see her enjoy her dream home. If you are interested in our services, please contact us today at www.houston3drenderings.com  and tell us about your project. We will be happy to assist you and make your dream home a reality.

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